
Witness to Christ: A Commentary on Acts is unavailable, but you can change that!

This commentary is designed to help the student of Scripture gain a mastery of the Book of Acts so that its content may master his soul and make him a better witness to the power of Jesus. Dr. Custer has written a commentary that is scholarly yet practical, comprehensive without being cumbersome, and one that remains doctrinally sound. It tackles solutions to the alleged “discrepancies,” and...

problem. “But, brethren, look for seven men among you, who have a good reputation, are full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may appoint for this need” (v. 3). There are three very clear qualifications for the office. They must be living the Christian life; people in the community must be able to testify to their character. They must be full of the Holy Spirit; they will fail without His illumination and enabling power. And they must be full of wisdom; they need good, practical common sense to
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